Featured Intervention:
Rapid Capacity Assessment™
We build trust, ask critical questions, and diagnose quickly.
We Build Trust And Ask Better Questions
Common Ground has conducted our Rapid S.T.A.R.T. (Strategy, Action & Results)™ assessment methodology with dozens of organizations in countries around the world.
We’ve designed the process to quickly help projects and their partner organizations identify and prioritize the areas where strategic capacity building help will make a difference.
We begin by administering a customized assessment tool (our comprehensive NGO self-assessment, for example). With that data, we bring leadership together and then delve into difficult issues quickly and with a focus on identifying practical solutions and actionable first steps.
Our intention is not to address every issue an organization may be struggling with, but to pinpoint those problems that, when solved, will have the greatest positive impact in the shortest amount of time. This builds trust and allows us to tackle more challenging issues as the work moves forward.
Featured Intervention:
Spidergap 360 Evaluations
We provide staff leaders with insights and tools for better management.
Your Performance Appraisal System Needs An Upgrade
CGC has designed hundreds of process improvements for organizations around the world, working with thousands of civil society professionals. Our appreciative inquiry approach uncovers what people and organizations are doing well. The same is true with our approach to performance appraisals.
Our goal is to help each employee understand their strengths, leveraging those assets in overcoming any deficits in skill or experience. We ensure every performance appraisal we conduct will provide employees with a clear understanding of what it will take for them to improve their performance and meet defined goals.
Our unique partnership with Spidergap means we use client-centered, state-of-the-art assessment and 360-degree evaluation tools that are fully-customizable and uniquely designed for each client engagement.